Debunking Common Plumbing Misconceptions: Separating Fact from Fiction

Mahon Plumbing Misconceptions

There are a lot of plumbing misconceptions that are prevalent today, and we’re going to debunk some of them.

Plumbing is an essential aspect of modern living that often goes unnoticed until a problem arises. Unfortunately, many homeowners and tenants fall victim to various misconceptions surrounding plumbing, leading to costly repairs, wasted resources, and unnecessary stress.

A Dripping Faucet is Harmless

One of the most common misconceptions is that a dripping faucet is a minor annoyance that doesn’t require immediate attention. However, a seemingly harmless drip can waste a significant amount of water over time. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a single faucet leaking at one drop per second can waste over 3,000 gallons of water annually. This not only affects your water bill but also places an unnecessary strain on the environment. Promptly fixing any leaks can save both water and money in the long run.

Lemons in the Garbage Disposal Keep It Fresh

While it’s true that lemons can temporarily mask unpleasant odors, they do not effectively clean or maintain your garbage disposal. In fact, the acidic nature of lemons can potentially corrode the metal components in the disposal. Instead, consider using a mixture of baking soda and vinegar, followed by hot water, to keep your garbage disposal clean and odor-free.

All “Flushable” Items Are Safe for the Toilet

Many products on the market claim to be “flushable,” such as wet wipes and certain sanitary products. However, just because an item can physically be flushed down the toilet doesn’t mean it’s safe for your plumbing system. Flushable wipes, for example, can cause blockages and clog your pipes over time. Stick to flushing only toilet paper to prevent potential plumbing disasters.

It’s Okay to Pour Grease Down the Drain with Hot Water

Pouring grease down the drain might seem like an easy solution, but it can lead to severe consequences for your plumbing system. As grease cools, it solidifies and sticks to the interior of pipes, causing blockages and restricting water flow. Over time, this can result in slow drains and even costly repairs. Instead, let grease cool in a separate container and dispose of it in the trash.

You Can Ignore Slow Drains

A slow drain may seem like a minor inconvenience, but it can be a sign of a more significant plumbing issue. Accumulation of debris, hair, or other materials in the drain can lead to clogs that worsen over time. Ignoring slow drains can eventually lead to complete blockages, pipe damage, and potential water backups in your home. Address slow drains promptly to prevent further complications.

You Can Use Your Toilet as a Trash Can

Flushing items like cotton balls, cotton swabs, dental floss, or paper towels down the toilet can have disastrous consequences for your plumbing. These items do not disintegrate like toilet paper, and they can easily cause blockages in your pipes, leading to costly repairs. Remember, the only thing you should flush down your toilet is toilet paper.

DIY Plumbing is Always the Best Solution

While some minor plumbing issues can be fixed with DIY solutions, more complex problems should be left to professional plumbers. Attempting to tackle complicated plumbing tasks without the necessary expertise and tools can worsen the problem and potentially lead to further damage. It’s crucial to know your limits and call a professional plumber when needed.

Call Mahon Plumbing Today

If you still have more questions regarding your plumbing, we here at Mahon Plumbing are here to help. We have been serving the wider Baltimore area since 1994, so we have 25 years of experience to back up our fantastic service! Call us at our Baltimore location at 410-766-8566 or our Pasadena location at 410-636-7944. Be sure to keep up with us on social media by following us on Facebook or Twitter.

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