Here’s everything you need to know about water line replacements and how this plumbing problem might impact your home.
Sometimes, a plumbing problem can’t simply be addressed with a few swift pushes of the plunger into the toilet. If you’re a homeowner, consider yourself fortunate if you have yet to experience a water line problem within your residential dwelling. While this plumbing problem can be repaired through a water line replacement, it can often seem overwhelming for new homeowners and homeowners who haven’t yet faced this plumbing problem. Here’s everything you need to know about water line replacements and how this plumbing problem might impact your home.
House Service Water Main: Your Water Line
Every house has a house service water main pipe that’s considered your water line. This water main pipe provides water into your home, either through a community water source or well water. This line differentiates from your sewer line, which draws away used sewage from your home. The main water line provides fresh water into your home for your baths, kitchen sinks, laundry machines, and so on. A disruption of this water line can potentially prevent fresh water from entering into your home.
How Do You Know if You Need a Water Line Replacement?
You might need a water line replacement if your home is currently older than 50 years old, is experiencing frequent plumbing problems, or at the first sign of a water leak detected within your water main line. For most homes, it’s critical to replace your water line if a water leak is detected. This can help prevent additional damage from occurring that can be costly to address.
Water Main Problems in Your Home
If there’s a leak within your water main line, your house might experience immeasurable damage and health hazards. Some of these health hazards that can occur when you’re in need of a water line replacement include: mold overgrowth, structural damage, mildew, water waste, and damage to flooring or your walls. Unfortunately, since main water line leaks can be difficult to address due to being hidden from sight. At Mahon Plumbing, we can perform an on-site consultation to determine if water is still flowing and leaking despite being turned off. Contact us today!
Call Mahon Plumbing Today
If you still have more questions regarding your plumbing, we here at Mahon Plumbing are here to help. We have been serving the wider Baltimore area since 1994, so we have 25 years of experience to back up our fantastic service! Call us at our Baltimore location at 410-766-8566 or our Pasadena location at 410-636-7944. Be sure to keep up with us on social media by following us on Facebook or Twitter.