Your home’s sump pump functions to remove water that builds around the foundation of your house.
Your home’s sump pump is a crucial component of its plumbing system that you must maintain. Your home’s sump pump functions to remove water that builds around the foundation of your house, and without it, you could have a flooded basement. If you wish to keep the lower level of your home dry when snow starts to melt, you must make sure your sump pump is in shape. Here are some pointers, so you know exactly when it is time for a sump pump replacement.
Noisy Sump Pump
Does your sump pump make an insane amount of noise while it operates? Does it vibrate too much? Both of these signs are reasonable indications that your machine is on its last legs. Rattling, grinding, and vibrating impeller damage, which might be due to the pump sucking up any debris. If the impeller is jammed or bent, it will cause the apparatus to wobble and make noise because the machine is off balance. If this occurs, its time for a sump pump replacement.
Your Sump Pump Is Running Constantly
Your sump pump should only be running when your sump pit fills up with water, so if it seems to run all the time, there is either a problem with the switch or the float mechanism. When your pump is in the right working order, it detects the water level inside the sump pit through its float mechanism. If the pump shifts inside the sump pit, it can render the float mechanism ineffective, which means it won’t accurately detect the pit’s water level and won’t activate the switch when needed. If it looks like the pump can’t handle the water accumulation, its consider a sump pump replacement.
Your Sump Pump Sees Little Use
If your sump pump barely sees any action, its lifespan will begin to shorten. To ensure that the pump is still in the right working order, you should occasionally test it after heavy rain and keep a log of each time you ran a test. If you’re not familiar with checking the pump, consider contacting a plumbing service, like Mahon Plumbing, who can test the unit.
Old Sump Pump and Motor Failure
Your sump pump will not last forever, so if your unit is past its seventh birthday, it’s time for a sump pump replacement. When the pump is past its prime, its motor is more prone to failure because of the internal wiring issues or general wear and tear. Even if the motor hasn’t failed yet, it’s a smart idea to contact Mahon Plumbing to inspect the unit and replace it.
Call Mahon Plumbing Today
If you still have more questions regarding your plumbing, we here at Mahon Plumbing are here to help. We have been serving the wider Baltimore area since 1994, so we have 25 years of experience to back up our fantastic service! Call us at our Baltimore location at 410-766-8566 or our Pasadena location at 410-636-7944. Be sure to keep up with us on social media by following us on Facebook or Twitter.