Over time, a drain and the pipes attached can end up being damaged enough that they require full pipe repair.
While we typically end up seeing far more drain clog or cleaning jobs, we do sometimes see full-scale drain repairs as well. Eventually, a drain and the pipes attached can end up being damaged enough that they require full repair. This can be the result of regular clogging, age, or if you’re using heavy-dut cleaning chemicals often. Soon enough, you’ll notice some major red flags that are going to be a cause for concern. At that point, it’s time to call in a pro to determine whether or not you need a pipe repair or replacement.
Different Kinds of Leaks
We all know that pipes can end up leaking. What you may not know is that there are a few different kinds of leaks, so let’s take a look at two of the most common.
Pinhole leaks aren’t very noticeable. As their name implies, these kinds of leaks are tiny and may go unnoticed. However, they can end up leaking plenty of water over time, so if you’re noticing puddles or a jump in your water bill, it may be because of this kind of leak and call for pipe repair.
Large leaks, on the other hand, are easy to notice. They also need to be fixed as soon as possible. The moment you notice a larger leak that’s causing significant amounts of water damage, get in touch with your plumber as this constitutes an emergency plumbing situation.
Aging Pipes
Over time, your plumbing is going to start to deteriorate. Older homes often suffer from poor plumbing that is reason enough for pipe repair services. This is because that age can end up causing leaks, corrosion, or other issues such as appliances breaking down entirely. It might feel like something as well-constructed as a galvanized steel pipe will last for the ages but at some point, like everything else, they are going to break down and demand pipe repair.
Corrosion Over Time
Consider what actually passes through your pipes. Not only are there chemicals in your water, food and waste can also be overly acidic or alkaline. Given enough time, this will begin to corrode the pipes in your home. This isn’t an issue that you can just ignore. It will only get worse with time. Instead, call us and ask us about our pipe repair services.
Call Mahon Plumbing Today
If you still have more questions regarding your plumbing, we here at Mahon Plumbing are here to help. We have been serving the wider Baltimore area since 1994, so we have 25 years of experience to back up our fantastic service! Call us at our Baltimore location at 410-766-8566 or our Pasadena location at 410-636-7944. Be sure to keep up with us on social media by following us on Facebook or Twitter.