Common Plumbing Problems in Summer

Mahon Plumbing Problems Summer

There are a plethora of plumbing problems that are common during the summer. The kids are home for the season, and that means extra strain on your pipes.

Summer is the time for outdoor activities—vacations, social libations, re-lax-a-tion. However, also: ‘Tis the season to be wary: many sewage problems! Plumb plumb plumb!’ (Sorry, perhaps it’s for the best that “summer carols” never quite took off in the US of A.) 

The change of the season can be a harsh one, dear readers, and through circumspect event sequences, the natural rotation from Spring into Summer can wreak all manner of subtle (and therefore all the more insidious!) havoc on your general plans….

And what ruins plans—any plans—faster and more completely than sudden, unexpected plumbing trouble?

For summer’s sake, we invite you to please read along below to learn about some of the most common plumbing problems that occur during this season—and, of course—ways to prevent them.

Blocked Drains

During the summer season, debris like dirt, sand, and even pebbles can get tracked into your home and clog your drains. To prevent this, rinse off thoroughly with your hose or public showers before using your own bathroom. Removing hair stuck on the drain cover before it clogs up the shower or tub can also help.

Washing Machine Overuse

With the kiddos being home from school, washing machines are called to kick it into high gear—perhaps even sneakily operated by well-meaning/precocious scamps who realized too late that they were out of their element…–leading to, of course, more wear and tear.

To prevent this, go with smaller loads of laundry to save your washing machine down the line. Make sure the rugrats don’t have unsupervised access to any machines they shouldn’t be messing with. And, of course, even if you regularly check your machine’s hoses for leaks, it’d be wise to consider getting it serviced by a professional at the start of the season to guarantee your washer’s optimal performance throughout the summer.

Toilet Clogs

Fairly simple: Toilets are used more frequently during summer because children are home, which increases the likelihood of them getting clogged. To prevent blocked toilets, show your kids how to flush toilet paper properly and not flush anything else down it. If you encounter a clog, make sure you have all the essential plumbing supplies in your home to deal with any minor blockage. Otherwise, call the pros before a clog becomes a strained pipe…

Sprinkler Issues

During summer, sprinklers are vulnerable to damage from children playing, dogs running around, and good ol’ fashioned American lawnmowin’. Double-checking sprinklers to ensure they’re in good working condition before using them can help avoid significant damage. Leaking sprinklers can waste a lot of water and money, so, be sure to get your sprinkler heads inspected and cleaned at the beginning of the season to ensure they’re working perfectly.

Leaky Outdoor Faucets

Outdoor faucets may not have been used much during winter but are used more during summer for washing cars and filling up water guns. However, a leaky faucet can waste a lot of water, ie.e., a lot money on your water bill. Check that your faucet is sealed tightly to the wall and that the rubber washer is in good condition. If necessary, call in a professional for consultation/repairs.

Sump Pump Failure

Summer rain is aesthetically and symbolically beautiful: a heavy, unstoppable force of nature—one that just so happens to flood your basement. To prevent this, just ensure your sump pump is working perfectly after winter. -Course, couldn’t hurt to give it another once-over as storm season starts brewin.’

Sewer Line and Septic Tank Problems

Rainstorms during summer can cause wastewater to back up in your toilet, bath, or shower, leading to blockages that need to be sorted out by a professional plumber. Tree roots can also get tangled into your sewage system and cause small cracks to get bigger, leading to further damage. Call your plumber immediately if you notice any wastewater backing up in your toilet, bath, or shower.

Garbage Disposal Clogs

Summer cookouts and barbecues leave a lot of food scraps that can be tempting to toss down your garbage disposal. However, throwing bones, corn, melon rinds, fruit pits, or oil and grease from cooking down your disposal can lead to mega-clogs. To prevent this, leave the cold tap running for about ten seconds before and after using the garbage disposal.

Low Water Pressure

Low water pressure can be a downright annoying issue during summer, the culprit usually being calcium deposit buildup within your pipes. But fret not, it’ll be a no-pressure situation for a highly-skilled professional plumber to quickly nip this issue in the bud. 

Closing Thoughts

Summer brings sun and fun—and its own unique set of plumbing challenges. But, by following the tips mentioned above, you can prevent/preempt such problems and be on your way to a smoooooth summer season. -But remember, if you encounter any issues—big, small, or somewhere in the middle—never hesitate to…

Call Mahon Plumbing Today

If you still have more questions regarding your plumbing, we here at Mahon Plumbing are here to help. We have been serving the wider Baltimore area since 1994, so we have 25 years of experience to back up our fantastic service! Call us at our Baltimore location at 410-766-8566 or our Pasadena location at 410-636-7944. Be sure to keep up with us on social media by following us on Facebook or Twitter.

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